Sunday, August 28, 2011

C, C++ and Java Assignment Operators

C, C++ and Java Assignment Operators
= -- simple assignment
+= -- add rhs, then assign to lhs
-= -- subtract rhs, then assign to lhs
*= -- multiply by rhs, then assign to lhs
/= -- divide lhs by rhs, then assign to lhs
&= -- bitwise and, then assign to lhs
|= -- bitwise or, then assign to lhs
^= -- bitwise exclusive or, then assign to lhs
%= -- bitwise remainder, then assign to lhs
<<= -- left shift lhs by rhs, then assign to lhs >>= -- signed right shift, then assign to lhs
>>>= -- unsigned right shift, then assign to lhs

Infix Operators
|| -- logical or
&& -- logical and
| -- integer bitwise or
^ -- integer bitwise exclusive or
& -- integer bitwise and
== -- numerical equality
!= -- numerical inequality
< -- less than > -- greater than
<= -- less than or equal to >= -- greater than or equal to
<< -- left shift >> -- signed right shift
>>> -- unsignd right shift
+ -- addition or string concatenation
- -- subtraction
* -- multiplication
/ -- division
% -- remainder

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