Sunday, March 27, 2011

Listed below are topics available within the Microsoft Access shortcut keys

Use keyboard shortcuts to access frequently used commands or operations. Listed below are topics available within the Microsoft Access shortcut keys. In the case without using the mouse can also use the access keys will move the focus to the menu, order or control.

Show help

F1: Display "Office Assistant" and "Microsoft Access Help"; on the selected property, control, macro operation, or Visual Basic keyword context-sensitive help, or use the "Help" button in the message.

Shift + F1: After using the keyboard, select the option in the dialog box to display "screen prompt."

Open database

Ctrl + N: Opens a new database.

Ctrl + O: Open an existing database.

Alt + F4 Access: Microsoft Exit.

Print and save

Ctrl + P: Print the current object or selected.

P or Ctrl + P: Open Print "dialog box.

S: Open the "Page Setup" dialog box.

C or Esc: Cancel the "Print Preview" or "preview page."

Ctrl + S or Shift + F12 or Alt + Shift + F2: Save a database object.

F12 or Alt + F2: Open the "Save As" dialog box.

Use the combo box or list box

F4 or Alt + down arrow: Open the combo box.

F9: Refresh "Search" box or list the contents of the combo box's.

Down arrow: Move down the line.

Page Down: Move down the page.

Up arrow: Move line.

Page Up: Move one.

Tab: Exit combo box or list box

Finding and replacing text or data

Ctrl + F: Open the "Find and Replace" dialog box "Search" tab (only applies to "" see table data and form "" appearance).

Ctrl + H: Open the "Find and Replace" dialog box "Replace" tab (only applies to "" see table data and form "" appearance).

Shift + F4: "Find and Replace" dialog box is closed Find dialog box next to the office specified in the text (only applies to "" see table data and form "" appearance).

In the "" Design work

F2: In "edit mode" (indicating the insertion point) and "navigation" to switch between modes.

F4: Switch to the attribute table (in the form of databases and access projects and reports of "" design view).

F5: From the "" Design to switch to a "view".

F6: top and bottom of the window to switch between the two parts (for tables, macros, and demand; Design "view and" Advanced Filter / Sort "window").

F7: forms or reports from design "" view ("Design" view window or property sheet) to switch to the code generator "."

Shift + F7: From the "Visual Basic Editor" to switch to a form or report "Design" view.

Alt + V + P: Open the property sheet of the selected object.

Edit the form and the report "Design" view control

Shift + Enter: add control at the top.

Ctrl + C: will copy the selected control to the clipboard "."

Ctrl + X: Cut selected control and copy to clipboard "" deep.

Ctrl + V: clipboard "" to insert the contents of the selected part of the upper left corner.

Ctrl + right: the right move the selected control.

Ctrl + LEFT ARROW: Move the selected control.

Ctrl + UP ARROW: Move the selected control.

Ctrl + down arrow: Move the selected control.

Shift + DOWN ARROW: to increase the height of the selected control.

Shift + right: to increase the width of the selected control.

Shift + UP ARROW: to reduce the height of the selected control.

Shift + left: to reduce the width of the selected control.

Operating Window

F11: database "" window at the front end.

Ctrl + F6: In the loop switch between open windows.

Enter: In all the windows are minimized, restore the selected minimized window.

Ctrl + F8: active window not maximized state, open the "Resize" mode, press the arrow keys to adjust the size of the window.

Alt + Spacebar: Displays controls "menu.

Shift + F10: Display the shortcut menu.

Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4: Close active window.

Alt + F11: In the Basic "Visual Editor" and the previous switch between active windows.

Alt + Shift + F11: from the previous active window to switch to the Script "Microsoft Editor."

Use the Wizard

Tab: Move to the Wizard in the "Help" button.

Spacing: in the "Help" button is selected cases. In the wizard or dialog box displays "assistant." To hide the "assistant", press the space bar once. Please note that not all wizards or dialog boxes "assistant" to provide "assistance."

Alt + N: move to the next wizard window.

Alt + B: Move to the previous wizard window.

Alt + F: close the wizard window.

Note: You can not use Ctrl + Tab navigation from one window to another window Wizard Wizard. Ctrl + Tab will make the cursor on the dialog in the wizard window and controls to move.


F2: Displays the complete address of the selected hyperlink hyperlink.

F7: Spell check.

Shift + F2: Open the "Zoom" box, enter the area in the smallest type expressions and other text with ease.

Alt + Enter: In the "" Design to display the property sheet.

Alt + F4: Quit Microsoft Access, close the dialog box or close the property sheet.

Ctrl + F2: Activate the "generator.

Ctrl + F11: In the menu bar and custom built-in menu bar to switch between.

Ctrl + right or Crtl + comma (,): When the tables, queries, forms, reports, pages, view the PivotTable list, PivotChart report, stored procedure, or Access project (. ADP) functions, advanced switch views. If there are other views available, successive keystrokes will move to the next screen is available.

Ctrl + LEFT ARROW or period Crtl + ():. When the tables, queries, forms, reports, pages, see the PivotTable list, PivotChart report, stored procedure, or function of ADP., View switch back. If there are other views available, successive keystrokes will move to the previous view is available.

"Database" window shortcut keys: list object editing and navigation

F2: Rename selected object.

Down arrow: Move down the line.

Page Down: Move down the window.

End: Move the last object.

Up arrow: Move line.

Page Up: Move the window.

Home: move to the first object.

Navigation and open objects

Ctrl + Tab: from object "" at the top to the bottom of the cycle.

Shift + Ctrl + Tab: From the "" Object of the circumference of the bottom up.

Enter or Alt + O: In the "" Data Table to open the selected table or query, or in Form "" view, open the form.

Enter: the "Print Preview" to open the selected report.

Enter: page "view" to open a data access page is selected.

Enter: the implementation of the macro selected.

Ctrl + Enter or Alt + D: In the "" Design to open the selected tables, queries, forms, reports, data access pages, macros, or modules.

Alt + N: Create new tables, queries, forms, reports, data access pages, macros, or modules.

F5: Refresh "database" window.

Ctrl + G: On the Basis "Visual Editor" in the show "live" window.

Use the menu

Shift + F10: Display the shortcut menu.

F10: Activate menu bar.

Alt + Spacebar: Displays the program icon menu (on the program title bar).

Down key or up key: If the menu or submenu is used to select the next or previous command.

To the left or right: left or right to select the menu, or sub-menu is displayed, in the main menu and sub menu to switch between.

Home or End: Select the menu or sub menu on the first or last command command.

Alt: At the same time, turn off all the menus and submenus.

Esc: Close the menu, or sub-menu is displayed, close the submenu only

Using Toolbar

Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Select the next or previous toolbar.

Tab or Shift + Tab: When the active toolbar, select the tool bar to the next or previous button or menu.

Enter: When the toolbar menu is selected, open the menus.

Enter: When the button is selected, the Executive is assigned to operation buttons.

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