Sunday, March 27, 2011

Linux Webmin is a web-based management tool

How many times have you consider how to set up a database in a dilemma? In fact, if you're using Linux, MySQL, there would be no case. In a graphical interface for Linux using Webmin to create the MySQL database will be very simple.

In this article, we will look at the MySQL database application of some basic functions. But not mechanically list all the commands, you will clear their way to quickly create a MySQL database, database tables, and add data in this table. This article assumes that you already have installed Linux host MySQL.

New Webmin

Linux Webmin is a web-based management tool that allows you to specify the browser to port 10000 and managing Linux computer. With this tool, you can manage Apache, Samba, MySQL, Postfix, ftp, ppp, etc, too much, just finished the column.

It is very simple, download the latest version of the site fpmfind, then install. Rpm command correctly (to root) to run, for example: rpm-ivh webmin-0.87.rpm

Or the resources to install the correct set of command (root privileges again):

tar xvzf webmin-o.8.7.tar.gz

cd webmin-0, 87


Then, after installing the application, answering all the questions arise to ensure that your web server correctly. (On most systems, you can root privileges / etc / rc.d / init.d / httpd start to run the HTTPD daemon) Pointing your browser to install and configure http://localhost:10000. administrator name and password operation.

After you log in Webmin, you can click on the Servers tab, and click on the icon of the MySQL database (this is the purpose of this article). If your MySQL database server is not running, you'll see the Start button MySQL Server. If you want to enter the MySQL database server page, you must start the server, so clicking this button. After you log on the MySQL database page, you can begin to add and edit your MySQL tables.

Overall configuration

MySQL database server at the bottom of the page, you'll see a line general authority to regulate icons: User Licenses, Permits Database, Host License, Permits Table, and Field Permit. Each entry can be self-explanatory. Only probably confused and maybe you is that you can select all permissions, but no all the options available to choose from. If you want to give the user / database / host / table / field a full license, you can list all the options selected and press the Save Save Settings; this domain have permission to other items on.

Creating tables

First of all, the main page of the MySQL database server, click Create New Database link. If you want, New Home Options Database (graph A) and let you fill in some details in the database to create tables early. Here we use an early form called Editorial, create a database named LinuxUsers. (We will step by step) If you do not want to use the initial form to create a database., You only need to fill the database name (required), select the radio button next to the existing nitial table, and then click Create.

Graph A: Unfortunately, the new database you created in the initial form contains only four fields.

In this case, we will create a table early. Four fields in the table will be named: UserName, Extension, OfficeNumber, and MachineName. Once you fill out the information, and click Create; MySQL database you will return to the main page and you can see the newly created database of icons, such as graphics B.

Graph B: Click the icon LinuxUsers you will see an early form of icons Editorial.

During the initial table is created, you should note that the entrance you can not determine any initial health. Click on the icon Editorial, you will form a (C graphics) that we make a list of four entrances.

Graph C: If you see the entrance to all Allow Nulls is Yes, then you do not set the initial health.

Let us set the initial UserName health, so in general, this field is always entered. Click the Field Name column entrance into the page UserName Parameter Field. (Graph D)

Graphic D: If a particular domain using the public entrance, you will need to provide a default value.

Selected Allow Nulls No, in Part of Primary Key selection Yes. You also can give a default value of initial health. We do not want to give a default value UserName field, but we can do. After this change the two values, click Save and return to the Edit Table page, you'll see the Allow Nulls column No, on the main panel to see the Primary (chart C).

We want to make the next table is a copy of the Editorial, named Webdev. In the MySQL database on the main page, click on the database you want to edit will appear Edit Database interface. Click the Create New Table. Fill in the name of the table Webdev, in Fields Table Copy From list, select LinuxUsersEditorial, click Create. You will return to the Edit Database interface and see the new database tables.

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